Four Resolutions That Won’t Ruin You

Every year 91 million Americans make 'resolutions' at New Year, but the sad reality is that 70 million will break them within one week. As we examine Paul's commands at the close of Romans 13, what are four godly resolutions that every Christian should embrace? What are four biblical [...]

2019-01-03T12:15:54-05:00December 30th, 2018|

This Light Defeats Darkness

Last year, a 66-year-old color-blind man named William Reed received a special pair of "Enchroma" color-correcting glasses for his birthday. He broke down into tears after seeing true colors for the first time ever! In John 9, Jesus proved Himself to the 'the Light of the World' when He [...]

2018-12-23T14:28:16-05:00December 23rd, 2018|

Jesus, Light of the World

Even the smallest lights can pierce through the blackest darkness. In John chapter 8, as the Jews gathered under the bright lights of the Temple, Jesus declared Himself to be "The Light of the World". What was so significant about this bold declaration? What was Jesus offering, and how [...]

2018-12-17T13:36:16-05:00December 16th, 2018|

The Light That Shines in Darkness

Pastor Ryan's father had a brilliant idea for a home-made Christmas star decoration. But in the end, this great idea led to a humorous result. As Americans, we are so conditioned to put lights on our trees, in our windows, and on our homes. But have we forgotten what [...]

2018-12-10T10:52:25-05:00December 9th, 2018|

I Can Talk to God

**Guest Speaker** This Sunday, our friend Andy Tritt shared a personal story about a troubling pregnancy that his family experienced -- and how it drove them to their knees in prayer seeking God's mercy and grace. Matthew 6:9-13 is a powerful text filled with Jesus' insights on personal prayer. [...]

2018-12-03T11:37:55-05:00December 2nd, 2018|
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